Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Tale..

A Tale...

A Sullen Tale,
Of Spring's First kiss,
A Summer Untainted,
Autumn's Leaves Falling Grieved,
A Tale Ended abrupt,
Amidst a Cold Winter Solstice,
She Led A Stray Down.
A Path that Hope lit,
Feeding It Scraps From her Table,
One It was not deemed fit to Sit,
Its Loyalty grew steadfast,
Its Hunger now tamed,
Gazing on Its Mistress Lovingly,
It forgot from whence It Came,
One day she tired of its whimper,
Its doleful eyes No longer had Sway,
She once again led the stray,
This time somewhere far away,
Down a cold and dark Alley,
And promised to come back One Day,
The confused pup howled sadly,
In Pain, Words couldn't Say,
Despondent, Abandoned,
As its Angel Walked Away...


Not all tales, have happy endings...

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Witness

The Witness
I saw love today,
She was a beautiful thing,
She was Awe Inspiring,
When She Walked,
Through a shared kiss,
I saw Faith,
I saw Fervour,
I witnessed a Man's Bliss...
What i have,
I place in prayer,
That love like that,
Stays Still forever,
That they remain,
Love's Astute Tower,
That in Their Union,
Their Fears Will Cower,
Love is a Gift,
Unlike no other,
May love Always Be,
Their Lives' Signature....


Today I saw beauty, I saw life, I saw love... I witnessed inspiration... Thank you Pat & Stef!