Thursday, May 24, 2007

Glass of Eyes..

The Glass of Eyes
Have you felt a Tear Fall,
A single drizzle on A Cheek,
Without fanfare or Bidding,
When sorrow meets its Peak,
Seemingly weightless, careless,
That tear effortlessly glides,
On its way, Without Direction,
Pray tell, Whose call it bides?
Its weight is unbeknownst to any,
Save The Heart that shed it,
No measure to the Burden it Carries,
A vessel that bears no limit..
Its journey south, is the Hardest of all,
For its arms, bear not just Sorrow,
But also, Broken dreams,
And The Shard of a Soul,
It embarks, Leaving a Hollow..

The First few sentences, were the last few i thought of yesterday. And i thought it was something lovely to write about. The Glass in Your eye...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Day in and day out. I have conversations and arguements. Religion, Ethics, Upbringing, Perspective, Knowledge, Love, Friendship. Ironically, most of these arguements and conversations, are restricted within the voices in my head. Not by choice. Most people i realise, don't like to think about such issues.

Are we so content with believing? Science tells us that the halves our brains themselves differ in opinion. Yet, some (or many for that matter) are content with just one opinion. We submit ourselves to believe what we are told, the religions we are born into, and the philosophies impressed upon us.

We as people close the receptacle that is our mind entirely too early. We vehemently believe in things, without thought, or doubt. We lose the hope to revisit or question ideas, systems or doctrines to easily. We reason that we are too insignificant, that we can't exact a change. Hence why waste the effort.

Yet ironically, we consider ourselves intelligent, evolved and Better than the millions of other things crawling all over this planet. The ability to think is what seperates us from them, yet we rarely exercise it do we? The majority of us have defined ourselves by the intelligent thoughts of the few. The einsteins, Mahatmas, Buddhas, Mohammads and Jesuses of the world.

Are we truly deserving of the rights to boast we've bestowed on ourselves because of the merits of the few? Of course not. And i am no better. That bothers me. Yes, i may be inclined to abstract thought more than many i know, but i think i'm still predisposed to the hopelessness that i'm ineffectual to any fundamental change. Maybe not so much as others, but there is still a lingering doubt in my self.

We should all take the time, some moments of everyday, to think. To revisit our beliefs, to rethink the Facts we know, and well maybe re-evaluate their relevance? Maybe the choices that we were not afforded as kids, should be afforded to our children. Not choices in luxuries, money or comfort. But Choices in Ideas and beliefs.

Have you wondered recently?

Monday, May 14, 2007


We wake up each day to be educated. Not neccesarily in an acadamic institution, but it can be anywhere. From, the moment we awake in the morning, we're learning. Learning the taste of the new morning, a new hole in the ground we gotta avoid, something, Something that is there to be learnt.

Most lessons, are subtle aren't they. We don't even realise we are learning them. In fact, i think that without some measure of pain or loss involved, we probably won't realise we're learning something. We spend all our lives searching for pleasure and happiness, yet we define ourselves with pain.

Thus i'm led to those lessons, that we are forced to learn. The most painful ones, That hit us right smack in the between the eyes. We see them rushing at us, but are helpless to alleviate ourselves. A mispoken word, a harsh act, or a lost life. These lessons, don't give us a preceding choice of how we want to learn them, they just collide with us, take a piece of us, and just keep going on.

And we stand there, hurt, raped and with a bitterness in our mouths birthed from our own tears. We stand there, felled, and fundamentally changed. Grasping the gaping wounds together, we speak silent swears, and chastise ourselves.

It is not our world that changes. We do. The world only sees the difference, and attaches labels to it. Each one lesser and further from the truth. Our voice is drowned out by the opinions, and our lessons become unique only to us. We can't share, or explain them. Circumstances, tailor them to us, and we are left to our own device to evolve with them.

So do we we withdraw, glaze over our eyes, Plant a smile on our faces, and try to maintain normality, since Difference always brings critics, so we try to shield them from ourselves. The world is appeased, but the self is deceased. Or do we wear our fears on our faces and foster a new world?

I think that Life's lessons doesn't draw us together, or unite and bond us; no, it alienates us. It changes us, but doesn't change what surrounds us. It is a little disheartening, actually very disheartening, but we still have a choice. Maybe not about lessons we learn, but about what we do with those lessons.

I've learnt my lesson, atleast, this one.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Courtesy Driven Flu

A flu. 8hrs before i leave for bintan, and i contract a flu. Can you believe that. I need a drink. A hard, jarring swig of whisky. That oughta rattle the virus in me. Show the bug who's boss!

It was a rainy morning today. And as follows, the roads were jammed. Never fails. "Rain = Forget-how-to-drive" is the standing equation for 3/4s of the driving population out there. No don't bullshit me that it is a safety issue. If all these wankers, maintain the right distance, and let people get in and outta the lane without accelerating forward to prevent it, and of cos the over-cautious remain OUT of the fast lane, things will run just as normally as in any other day.

But nooooooo. It is way too much to ask. Common Sense and courtesy are not the Singaporean way. Especially Courtesy. We are a country, who needs a frickin cartoon lion, to tell us to be courteous. And thats only for 1 week in the year or something. Apart from that. Singaporeans in general, are a discourteous bunch.

Don't tell me about about the tourism polls or what not. That crap is all fabricated. Day to day, dealing with people, queuing up to buy food, waiting for a table, there's just a million examples. And i'll just frustrate myself listing them all out here. Some people, you just smile at them, wow, they look at you like you're crazy, and if you say thank you, they act as if they deserved it all along, and of "Excuse Me," is a phrase that was i think greatly obliterated from our curriculum.

We don't need a Courtesy Campaign in thise country. We need an Entire Revolution!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Pensive Melancholy...

The Sun blazes a red hue,
Dust settles on the morning dew,
Weary eyes awake alone,
And Glimpse a world torn in two..

A lover offers no Solace,
Directions haven't a face,
straightening his legs, facing the cold,
He begins to walk this race..

Faith is not a commodity,
Hope a forlorn charity,
Content in the perverse silence,
Peace defines itself abstrusely..

God hasn't come by here,
There's No Angelic Choir,
The Saints have returned to dust,
And the wine has turned to water..

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Key of D

Dissertations Derived from the Drone of a Deluded Dignitary Dubiously Deficient of Due Diligence. That is my definition (In the Key of D); of a phenomenon that plagues the working World today. It is a plague that spans hours in formulation, but is deceptively called, "Minutes".

Yes, i had to spend a good part of my morning getting together the loathsome thing mentioned above. Its even more annoying, when one doesn't know the people talking, and hence can't really associate which bloke said what in the aftermath. And these blokes have a LOT to say.

Well it could be worse, instead of spending Hours writing something called "Minutes", i guess i could be spending Days writing something called "Hours". *Cheesy Joke Drum Roll*

Good day folks, Enjoy your wednesdays, you're almost there!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Rain Odour

The weather has been rather unpredictable. From bright cloudless and blazing hot, to sudden downpour with no glimpse of sunlight. OR even better, Bright and sunny and still raining. Thats when you get that musky smell. Rain Odour.

So how? Is the world ending? Global Warming? Rising Carbon Dioxide levels? Hole/holes in the Ozone layer? Are we all gonna die?!! arrgghh...

Well, if you've seen a George Carlin stand-up, he highlights a very very good point. The world isn't ending!! Maybe WE are ending, but the world isn't. This little rock floating abt in the emptiness/fullness of space is BILLIONS of years old, as far as we can tell atleast. And on that kinda timescale, the 200,000 grand years we've been around, is like a week vacation in amsterdam, and the 200 yrs of fossil fuels is like a Saturday night downing 8 bottles of chivas. Doesn't THAT make us feel like oh so significant little blokes?

Another interesting thing. Guess what happens when ur body gets some gunk on it that it doesn't like? It gets hot! Fevers are one of the ways the body tries to get rid of infections. Hmmm, so if the earth is getting hot, maybe its just got a little fever? Uh oh!

We the Greatest Species on this Planet, the smarter, less hairier and much more cramped Cousins of the apes are nothing more than a little infection! Has that possibility crossed your mind? It has crossed mine. One of those things i doubt i'll have or get an answer for.

I got a LOT more where that came from. Maybe, Tomorrow we can discuss ants?

Monday, May 7, 2007

1st Edition

It's a good day for the birth of a new convocation of words. Sometimes a single act is needed to give closure to the past, and light up the road to the future. Today sees the arrival of several things. It's A new day, i'm wearing a new shirt, there's a new dude at my office; but most importantly...


haha. Yes my friends, The title race is finally over, and the title has come home to rest at Old Trafford. What a season it has been indeed. 9pts, wait 11 pts, wait 6pts, DAMN! 3pts, phew 5Pts, NO!, 6 pts..and now, with 7, the boys can pat themselves deservedly on the back.

Many a time, people have asked me, why the hell we get so worked up over football. Especially, since it ain't really our town, league or country for that matter. Well, its true in a sense. I've yet to set foot in the famous stands of Old Trafford. And i'll probably situate myself somewhere in this big world, where a season ticket will never find itself with my name on it. Yet as i see it, i will always be a Manchester United Fanatic.

Football to me, isn't just a game. The cliche would be, "It's my passion". But its more than that. It's a blind fervour, it's an unreciprocated infatuation, it's a heartbreak, and it's a sense of fulfillment. Every 90 minutes is a monumental battle, it is not 22 men, chasing a ball as some non-believers say.

No, it's 2 bodies, whole and independant. Manchester United vs The Challenger. Mutant Giants with 11 limbs. haha, engaged in a battle of Wit, skill and sometimes PLain pure luck. From the time i saw Cantona, with his upturned collar, stately gait, and Confident Arrogance. Donned in the Red of the Devil, i thought to myself, i wanna be like him. The passion with which he played, the confidence with which he carried himself. I fell in love with the Team that commandeered men of that calibre.

Watchin giggs, make a mockery of all on that left flank, the thunderous shots of Mark hughes, the aggression of Roy keane, and of cos, the sheer Audacity of Eric Cantona. My feet became firmly and surely planted in amongst the United Faithful.

Blame it on exposure, marketing, or the numerous spectacular victories. But of all the challengers, this little boy, on this little island, was allured to only one brand of Football. Manchester United.

I'm a United Fan.