Thursday, April 29, 2021

Faraway Angel


Faraway Angel


Did She walk, did She Float,
An Angel's gait She totes,
He watched,
As another's arm, She circled,

His gaze, from afar,
Like a world from it's star,
He watched,
Her stolen laughs and giggles,

Hid, behind the rustle of leaves,
Under the shadows of the trees,
He watched,
As their lives, entangled,

She forgot he was there,
That his promise was to care,
He watched,
As his time, was strangled,

Hope, he carried and paid its fare,
But alas, She was not there,
He watched,
As with time, his memory, She stifled,

Soon he faded with her whim,
His soul, left with the wind,
He watched,
As the last sunset, faded over the hill...


Tuesday, April 13, 2021



Mom it’s another year
I don’t know how I got here,

But another one is gone,

And I can’t shake off this fear,

You gained a Grandson,

And Lord know’s he’s so fine,

I can’t begin to imagine,

A time before he was mine,

So many have gone,

We know that’s the price of time,

But life renews itself,

And that’s my faith and lifeline,

I wish you could see him,

And bounce him on your knee,

I see your love in his eyes,

And your laughter in his glee,

Yet it’s not all roses,

You know that’s life’s fee,

I wish I didn’t have the responsibility,

To bury all that’s dear to me,

Till we meet again ma,

When, I cannot be certain,

In all this pain and turmoil,

You are my only constant,

I don’t know what I’ll say ma,

If next year comes around,

Please help and guide us,

So we can all sleep sound.
