In Memoriam...
The years keep passing by,
Widening the space between us,
Here in my heart, Your smile is warm,
Your life, etched into its canvas,
Seems so long since we spoke ma,
I miss your voice calling my name,
Tho often it was to correct me,
You prepared me well for this game,
This past year was a special one,
It carried both joy and pain in full,
An angel tied her life to mine,
One truly too good for this fool,
I know you held my hand,
When pain and fear held me rooted,
I found a will and courage within me,
One I never knew existed,
Mom I never knew what your life meant,
Till it slipped through my fingers,
I am still learning your lessons,
Your love echoes through these years,
The river of time that separates us,
Is the same that draws us closer,
But I've still some views to carve,
Before the water again unites us...
- Ganesh J. Perumal
Another Poem I cannot name, seems all I have these days. =)
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