Wednesday, December 12, 2007


BBC News in the morning, just never fails to set me off for the day with a huge sense of Gloom and Doom. Father Weather of course, does his part, Keeping the taps in the sky on; and together, me and the retarded-broken-curved umbrella made the wet trudge to my car. Ahh, the musky smell of Dismal mornings.

Then i reached my car, and i realised, that there is no possible way- save using a Harry Potter-esque spell- to get into a car, without getting wet. None, Zilch, Zero. You cannot get into a car, while holding an open umbrella, without getting some part of you, and the inside of your door wet! It just doesn't Exist.

And that is how i conveniently forgot, that a bomb went of in Algiers, near a UN building, killing about 20 people. Ahh, Its Good to be Human, A hundred can be dead, but Liverpool making it through to the Champions League Knock out Stage, thats the REAL news!!

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