Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Who's God?

I watched a bit of the movie "The island", last night. There was one line that struck me out of that movie. Not for the first time of cos. A conversation between Lincoln six-echo and one of the engineers that worked at the facility, the engineer guy makes some comment about God, and Six-echo asks

"Who's God?"

And the Engineer dude replies, "Well, you know, when you want something really bad and you close your eyes and you wish for it? God's the guy that ignores you."

I don't have a anything against religion, but i think that is an excellent explanation for who God is. And to tell you the truth, it isn't entirely bad. Maybe God IS ignoring us, why wouldn't he/she? After moulding cosmos and space and time, to blurp our sorry little arse to scurry about, maybe he/she's tired. He/she's probably given us all we need, and we just sound like incessant whiners who can never have enough.

Yea well, i guess when your hopeless, and you need that extra security, its good to be able to utter a prayer. But by the time, you've reached that point, there really is nothing you can do, which is why you're asking the People in the sky in the first place! Cos if you could do something about it, you'd do it, and not be praying about it. Circular logic?

I doubt God is going around rewarding us and tossing trials at us, as and when he/she deems fit. Thats the kind of sadistic things we do playing the Sims video game. Its very human, not Godly. In my opinion of cos.

It makes more sense to bug him to do things for OTHER people. Than if he STILL ignores you, its probably not that he knows better, but more of, well HE'S IGNORING YOU! lol


  1. what i think is God is just a three-letter word, a word that is spoken as derogatory slang,that fits of rage or casual conversation. There is no meaning other than to fill up a sentence. FOr some people in search of their meaning in their lives, they look to what they can visualize,touch and feel. The word ‘god’ is given to the satisfaction of their desires. just like if I asked you “Who are you?” what would you say? im Ganesh or prob end up describing yr character or what you have accomplished. But who are we really and if we don’t know that answer, how would we know the answer to “Who is God”?

    you got a answer to that? haha, i love you!

  2. Very interesting. And I agree too. I believe God is a concept, that serves as an extension of ourselves. A place to dump our anxieties and unknowns. Cos i believe as we always require an answer. Else the Question will just drive us insane. And well God, is the all encompassing, lazy answer. It doesn't require any effort, just blind faith.

    I'm sure, thats not what God's purpose is tho. Else, why even create us with the capacity to question, learn and discover?


Thank you For your Thoughts...