I Remember..
As such, I haven't forgotten you,
The glow of your face,
The tears that you shed,
When I didn't fall in place,
The Endless steps you climbed,
The night of each day,
The weary of those moments,
Were clear, when in peace you lay,
The irony of life,
A lesson we'll never learn,
That Hindsight's much clearer,
Not what we see this moment,
Now in my thoughts, A year later,
That serene smile remains,
Those lessons taught in silence,
The Pride of your embrace,
I wrote you a thank you then,
And a story of your grace,
Now these songs of the past,
Are all my mind can trace..
Still I miss you,
A lesson I'll never learn,
The Love that left that day,
Was one that can't be earned
As such, I haven't forgotten you,
The glow of your face,
The tears that you shed,
When I didn't fall in place,
The Endless steps you climbed,
The night of each day,
The weary of those moments,
Were clear, when in peace you lay,
The irony of life,
A lesson we'll never learn,
That Hindsight's much clearer,
Not what we see this moment,
Now in my thoughts, A year later,
That serene smile remains,
Those lessons taught in silence,
The Pride of your embrace,
I wrote you a thank you then,
And a story of your grace,
Now these songs of the past,
Are all my mind can trace..
Still I miss you,
A lesson I'll never learn,
The Love that left that day,
Was one that can't be earned
This was something i wrote before, on the 1yr anniversary of My Dear Mother's passing. Its something i like, cause each time i read it and re-read it, i still feel the same. It reminds me of everything that my Mom was to me, and rekindles even the smallest of memories. At a time, when new memories are impossible, these are the most precious.