Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Day in and day out. I have conversations and arguements. Religion, Ethics, Upbringing, Perspective, Knowledge, Love, Friendship. Ironically, most of these arguements and conversations, are restricted within the voices in my head. Not by choice. Most people i realise, don't like to think about such issues.

Are we so content with believing? Science tells us that the halves our brains themselves differ in opinion. Yet, some (or many for that matter) are content with just one opinion. We submit ourselves to believe what we are told, the religions we are born into, and the philosophies impressed upon us.

We as people close the receptacle that is our mind entirely too early. We vehemently believe in things, without thought, or doubt. We lose the hope to revisit or question ideas, systems or doctrines to easily. We reason that we are too insignificant, that we can't exact a change. Hence why waste the effort.

Yet ironically, we consider ourselves intelligent, evolved and Better than the millions of other things crawling all over this planet. The ability to think is what seperates us from them, yet we rarely exercise it do we? The majority of us have defined ourselves by the intelligent thoughts of the few. The einsteins, Mahatmas, Buddhas, Mohammads and Jesuses of the world.

Are we truly deserving of the rights to boast we've bestowed on ourselves because of the merits of the few? Of course not. And i am no better. That bothers me. Yes, i may be inclined to abstract thought more than many i know, but i think i'm still predisposed to the hopelessness that i'm ineffectual to any fundamental change. Maybe not so much as others, but there is still a lingering doubt in my self.

We should all take the time, some moments of everyday, to think. To revisit our beliefs, to rethink the Facts we know, and well maybe re-evaluate their relevance? Maybe the choices that we were not afforded as kids, should be afforded to our children. Not choices in luxuries, money or comfort. But Choices in Ideas and beliefs.

Have you wondered recently?

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