We wake up each day to be educated. Not neccesarily in an acadamic institution, but it can be anywhere. From, the moment we awake in the morning, we're learning. Learning the taste of the new morning, a new hole in the ground we gotta avoid, something, Something that is there to be learnt.
Most lessons, are subtle aren't they. We don't even realise we are learning them. In fact, i think that without some measure of pain or loss involved, we probably won't realise we're learning something. We spend all our lives searching for pleasure and happiness, yet we define ourselves with pain.
Thus i'm led to those lessons, that we are forced to learn. The most painful ones, That hit us right smack in the between the eyes. We see them rushing at us, but are helpless to alleviate ourselves. A mispoken word, a harsh act, or a lost life. These lessons, don't give us a preceding choice of how we want to learn them, they just collide with us, take a piece of us, and just keep going on.
And we stand there, hurt, raped and with a bitterness in our mouths birthed from our own tears. We stand there, felled, and fundamentally changed. Grasping the gaping wounds together, we speak silent swears, and chastise ourselves.
It is not our world that changes. We do. The world only sees the difference, and attaches labels to it. Each one lesser and further from the truth. Our voice is drowned out by the opinions, and our lessons become unique only to us. We can't share, or explain them. Circumstances, tailor them to us, and we are left to our own device to evolve with them.
So do we we withdraw, glaze over our eyes, Plant a smile on our faces, and try to maintain normality, since Difference always brings critics, so we try to shield them from ourselves. The world is appeased, but the self is deceased. Or do we wear our fears on our faces and foster a new world?
I think that Life's lessons doesn't draw us together, or unite and bond us; no, it alienates us. It changes us, but doesn't change what surrounds us. It is a little disheartening, actually very disheartening, but we still have a choice. Maybe not about lessons we learn, but about what we do with those lessons.
I've learnt my lesson, atleast, this one.